Scope of Privacy Policy

Edx Education UK is committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your information. This Privacy Policy explains how Edx Education UK manages and protects your personal information that we collect from you in the normal course of supplying products and/or information to you.

Collection of Personal Information

Edx Education collects personal information from you when you place an order via our website, email, fax, and written orders, and also from you at trade fairs or company visits in the normal course of supplying products and/or information to you.

The information we collect includes:

• your name

• contact details – email address, postal address, telephone number and fax number

• credit card details

• products purchased

• We hold your personal information on our secure internal computer database

How Information is used

Edx Education UK uses your personal information to:

• process your orders

• send you information regarding prices, product availability, promotions, new products, shipment schedule, relevant education articles of potential interest etc.

• maintain a database of historical purchases


Edx Education UK shares personal information with external service providers in the normal course of fulfilling your orders, as an example:

• name and address to couriers and for postal purposes

• payment details to our bank to process your payments. We will also share personal information to comply with any legal obligations

• We will not sell your information to third parties

Online Security of Information

Rights and choices – how can I change my information?

You have the right to access your information and have it modified.
Please contact Edx if you are unable to change in the dashboard once logged in using the email address and advise your request.

When you receive marketing promotions or newsletters by email, you will have the opportunity to unsubscribe from these emails. There will be unsubscribe instructions at the end of these emails.

How to make a complaint

If you have an issue, concern, question or complaint regarding our Privacy Policy,
please contact us on the following email address:

We will respond within 7 days to answer your queries and/or provide information that will assist in resolving any issue you may have with our Privacy Policy.